Thursday, November 1, 2012

Whey Protein

Weight Loss
Consuming whey protein as part of your diet can help aid in weight-loss efforts. Your body uses more energy to digest protein than other foods, which enables you to burn a higher rate of calories after a protein meal. Whey protein is low in calories, fat and sugar, which helps to prevent weight gain while promoting a lean body. Whey protein helps to reduce glucose absorption which keeps you from getting hungry and helps fight the urge to snack.

Whey protein also helps to reduce stress levels by slowing production of the stress hormone cortisol while helping to release the calming hormone serotonin.

General Health Benefits
After a strength-training workout your muscles begin to repair and need protein for this process.
Whey protein can be used to improve your overall physical health while also preventing diseases and infection. According to the Whey Protein Institute, whey protein can help to slow cancer growth in the body, prevent type-2 diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels and promote new skin growth to speed up wound healing. Faster skin growth can be especially beneficial for large wounds and burn victims.

Here are some tips I've learned from buying it myself

It's better to spend a little extra cash and get the name brand so that you don't end up with a product you aren't willing to drink.  The kind I buy I enjoy, but there are cheap products out there that may make you cringe.  Also when you purchase the product you have options they have both with and without soy also there is a low cholesterol version.  Make sure you are making your decision based on whats best for you and your not just grabbing something off of the shelf.

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